Friday, August 26, 2005

Having just got a litter picker at last, I saw someone, presumably a District or highways employee, picking litter on Sleaford Road. It's the first time I can recall seeing anyone doing the job. There were six or eight bags of rubbish at the side of the road waiting to be picked up. Perhaps we are expecting a Royal drive past.

Edit at 6.15.
Sure enough, the bags have gone. Oddly, they were printed
Kesteven District Council.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Rec ground again. We had a quote from the tennis court installers, around nine hundred pounds a year to deep clean the surface as we are getting a lot of mud thrown on the courts, ( 'nothing to do' syndrome again ). After the recent heavy rain it seems the courts are pretty much self cleaning, so we may not have that cost to find.
The climbing wall was in use again in the Blackies car park, kids everywhere all in blue safety helmets. Its a lot higher than I thought it might be!

Friday, August 19, 2005

I saw the youth club organizer, they hope to have a meeting next Thursday to finalise the setting up of the youth club.
There was a training session run by Lincoln City for the kids in the village, quite a few were there, with a bit of luck it will stimulate a bit of interest in the football clubs and maybe the youth club. Its good to see the field being used, even the tennis courts are in regular use for tennis and not bike riding!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The skateboard park seems to be a bit more popular this time, the kids using it are a bit younger, perhaps up to eleven or so, but they seem to be enjoying it.
The rec ground meeting got no further with the youth club, no one turned up to represent them and we stil have no confirmed bookings for using the pavilion. It seems they all turn up on wednesday evenings and congregate outside, playing rounders or football if they can cadge a ball off the football club.
The meeting point seat has become a target for stone throwing, when I walked across the field last night there were about four or five youths throwing the stones from the car park, when they hit the meeting point roof it makes a nice "ting". That acounts for the number of stones on the field, just right for the mower to pick up too.

Monday, August 15, 2005

So, the mobile skate park is here. I went to have a look and there were 8 kids there, a bit better than last time.
We've got a rec ground meeting tonight, with a bit of luck the youth club will get off the ground and that will be one more thing for the kids to do at night. All they need to do now is set a firm time for the club to be open.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The mobile skate park is due to return on Monday, so I put up a few new signs at the rec ground just to remind the kids about it. I found them all torn up the next day. Last time the mobile skate park was here for five days, at the end of the fourth day I asked the attendant how many had used it, "What, alltogether" he said, "you mean since Friday?", "Yes, just a rough idea will do" I said. "Well, we've had ten". So I guess the permanent park is not going to happen.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Rec ground has seen a few changes in the last year, with the new tennis courts paid for by BBHPPFA, and a meeting point seat for the youngsters.
The usual cry of "we've got nothing to do" was what started things off. When I became Chairman of the Parish Council I wrote in the Parish mag asking for ideas to amuse the young people of the village. Not one reply was received but it seems from the evidence of the tennis courts and the meeting point that all we would have to do is supply them all with a bucket of stones to throw, and a felt tip marker to draw graffiti. Still, its their choice, and I suppose the decorations aren't too bad. The tennis courts seem to have met the need for somewhere to skid around on bikes too, so the money has not gone completely to waste.