Friday, May 26, 2006

Bowling green

So we have the new green that has been much wanted for the last four years at least. It's now been finished almost a week. The bowls club, we are told, has over sixty members. The only people to use the green has been four youths with a football. No further comment.

Monday, May 22, 2006

A Bowling Green at last.

On the 20th of May the bowling green finaly opened, the weather spoiled it but there was a good turnout to see Billy Jackson play the first bowl.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Rec Ground Again

We had the hand gate locked from 1st May by a security firm, 9pm to 7am. This weekend, someone bashed the padlock and bent it so that it could not be locked, the gate had been locked Monday to Thursday, then left open Friday and Saturday. We received e-mails from the nearby residents complaining about all the noise and trouble. The claim was that the locked gate had worked in keeping trouble at bay from Monday, disregarding the fact that there is not usually a problem anyway during the week. We apparently are now at fault for allowing our lock to be vandalised thereby letting the youths use the field again. Now, since it is our property that has been vandalised, I can't quite see that it is our fault. A phone call or e-mail informing us that the lock was broken would have been far more useful than a rant two days later. If, as has been claimed, there is widespread drinking and driving, as well as noise and nuisance then surely a call to the police and action from them would be the correct procedure.
Just to put another slant to the picture, we have also had an e-mail from a resident complaing that the gate is locked when she wants to walk her dog.
Does anyone have a direct line to Solomon?