The 17 June, 2006 will see our 7th Gala Day, and to date we have had six successful Gala Days.
The organising group with one exception remains the same. For Gala Day to survive long-term actual organising work needs to be shared out. At present it is reliant on too few individuals. There are areas where work can be shared.
It has been said, ‘We’re a big village, it’s right we have a Gala’. On the day we have most of our organisations involved. Gala has so far has been well attended.
Anyone can help as much or as little as they want, in particular, extra help during Gala Week — that’s the week before Gala and a couple of days afterwards. Our present helpers are for the most already members of village organisations and it would be useful to have helpers with few of those commitments.
Gala Day happens only because of a joint effort.
If you are willing to get involved please contact either Bill Rawson, Chairman, on 527963 or Alan Clark, Secretary, on 872552.